Christmas! Ahh! What a lovely time to spend with family and friends! Have a look at these Christmas survey results from Cashfloat and see how Christmas affects the people of the UK.
How is Christmas affecting you and thousands of Britons?
Christmas is great, but it can be financially demanding. With that in mind we commissioned a survey to see just how Christmas affects you all, both emotionally and economically. Here are the results of the survey, do you also feel like the majority of those surveyed?
Cashfloat Survey Results
We split the responses up between parents and non-parents and the results were startling. Parents tend to be more worried at the thought of Christmas. However, they were also half as likely to feel depressed about the Christmas season as those without kids.

Part of this stress may be due to the increased cost of Christmas for parents. As you can see, they tend to spend more than people without children.

One of the biggest causes of this may be the Christmas adverts we’re bombarded with every Christmas. Only 16% of people we asked, thought that children didn’t have unrealistic expectations of Christmas due to these adverts.

It may be better to give than to receive. However, some of our contestants found giving presents extra stressful as they felt like they were judged by the presents they were giving.

If you’re still struggling not to go into debt over Christmas, don’t worry as you’re not alone. Almost half of responders (42%) were in the same boat last year.

If you’re worried about how much Christmas is going to cost you, why not read through our guide to keeping costs down over Christmas or try out some of these simple DIY projects that can give you a unique, and cheap, Christmas?
We also asked parents for some tips for keeping costs down. Richard Conway suggested keeping your costs down by “planning well with what I’m getting and getting it all through most of the year. this way the cost is spend nicely with less stress.”

Sonia Patterson is also very proactive when it comes to finding deals. Sonia asks her children well in advance what they would like from Santa, putting their requests into my wish lists on sites like Amazon, etc. and buying when they go down in price.

So, while you may not find it easy to get presents in the Christmas rush this year, you can follow their advice and start your Christmas 2019 planning in the January Sales!
Do you have any advice you’d like to share this Christmas? Why not talk about it in the comments section or on our Facebook page?